Product Details
  • Our Shrouds and Enclosures are available in a range of finishes aiming to be an integral part of the building
  • Bespoke solutions are available to cover most circumstances


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SKU: wall-concealment-shrouds Categories: ,

Dynamic Concepts are able to provide a great range of RF transparent shrouds and enclosures as part of our Undetectable’s range, from single antenna concealment shrouds to large-scale building style enclosures.

As with the rest of our GRP range, these Shrouds and Enclosures are bespoke made to each site, presenting an innovative and aesthetically pleasing solution in environments where unsightly telecommunications equipment must be concealed.

Dynamic Concepts are able to provide a great range of RF transparent shrouds and enclosures as part of our Undetectable’s range, from single antenna concealment shrouds to large-scale building style enclosures.

As with the rest of our GRP range, these Shrouds and Enclosures are bespoke made to each site, presenting an innovative and aesthetically pleasing solution in environments where unsightly telecommunications equipment must be concealed.

Capacity Details
  • Our Shrouds and Enclosures are available in a range of finishes aiming to be an integral part of the building
  • Bespoke solutions are available to cover most circumstances